I pinched a nerve in the gym a few years back and it has hurt ever since. This belt helped fix it within a few months! It is so soothing to use and I look forward to using it after every single workout. I don't know how I ever lived before getting the Hatch Belt.
——Marion Campbell

I'm blown away at the relief this device has brought me. I use it every other night for about 30 minutes just before bed, and it helps me sleep without pain. I've also noticed a drastically less pain throughout the day.
——Ruby King

I've had back pain for the past 8 years, and I've tried everything to help get rid of it. This device didn't just help it got me back to the gym feeling great again. I still have some pain, but with stretching and some other things.
——Diane Pennebaker

This device is heavenly. It gets SO warm and the vibration is so nice during that time of the month. PLUS for the price, you cannot get a red light therapy device of this caliper. I looked and trust me, you will spend close to $400 for anything similar. The Hatch Belt is a no brainer, 10/10 would buy again.
——Taylor Jay

I've tried EVERY natural remedy for my back pain, went to the chiropractor, even started doing yoga, but nothing helped as much as the Hatch Belt. Give it a few months and you will be amazed.
——Garrett Kite