Our brace provides support and stability to the lower back, reducing pressure on the sciatic nerve. Additionally, the brace can help promote proper posture, which can relieve strain on the affected area and minimize pain associated with sciatica.

SI Joint & Hip Pain
Our brace provides compression and support to the sacroiliac joint, stabilizing the area and reducing excessive movement that may exacerbate pain. The brace also helps distribute the load more evenly across the joint, relieving stress and pressure on the SI joint and surrounding hip and joint structures.

Strains & Sprains
Our brace can assist with strains and sprains by providing compression and support to the affected area, which helps reduce swelling and inflammation. Additionally, it limits the range of motion, allowing the injured muscles or ligaments to rest and heal more effectively.

Injury Recovery
Our brace aids in injury recovery by immobilizing the spine and restricting movement, allowing the injured area to heal and preventing further damage. It also provides support to the muscles and ligaments, reducing the risk of reinjury and promoting a faster and more complete recovery.

Back Pain
Our brace helps alleviate back pain by providing support and stability to the spine, reducing strain on the muscles and ligaments. It also helps promote proper posture, which can relieve pressure on the affected area and facilitate healing